Going into the trip I worried that I might not connect with the place/people like I did with Uganda and wondered if I could feel as at home in another country. God quickly alleviated my fears and as I sat looking out window of our bus as we drove to our hotel. So much of it did remind me of Uganda- the landscape, red dirt, people sitting outside their homes and businesses, the welcoming and generous aspects of the people, the ability to simply be with one another, and the contrast of "progress" and "poverty." It seemed familiar to me and I was quickly reminded of the questions I dealt with during my semester in Uganda. Questions concerning poverty, wondering where the solutions begin, trying to seek God's answers and heart in it all, and the feeling of tension came back.
Throughout the week I worked at Comeback Childrens' Home in Bangalore. I had no idea what to expect as we pulled up to the home on our first day. This children's home is right smack dab in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the slums of Bangalore and one could easily walk past it not knowing what the small home was used for. I'll never forget walking into the building on the first day and seeing 8 sets of eyes looking up at me. The next few days with them were filled with games, songs, Bible lessons, memory verses, crafts, snacks, taking pictures, and trying to love on them as much as I could. It sure kept me on my feet and I remember praying at night, "Lord, fill me up so that you can pour me out. Let them see Your love." And He answered that prayer every day. He is so faithful.