Do you dream big? I've been asking myself this question a lot in the last few weeks. I had a conversation with a friend a few weeks back and we talked about something they did to help someone someone else and while talking about it they responded, "Yeah, that was back when I thought I could change the world." This statement has stuck with me and has set unsettled in my mind. Why do we so often tell ourselves that we can't be a part of great things that God wants to put in motion?
I know fear and doubt often creep in when we start to question those things or when we shut ourselves down. I'm definitely guilty of it. I often question what I feel God calling me to and refrain from dreaming big. But seriously, we serve the Creator of the universe and NOTHING is too big for Him. I think apathy and complacency are also culprits when it comes to our lack of dreaming big with God and then acting. It makes my heart hurt. God gave us the gifts, resources, and passions He did for a reason.
Lately, I've been blessed to interact with several Christians who are dreaming big. There is a pastor that I met during my time in India this summer and he is faithfully praying bold prayers for God to move and provide. He and his wife are operating two orphanages while raising their own daughters. This pastor opens up his 8x10 living space every Sunday to about 50 faithful believers who gather to worship every Sunday. This man faces persecution and receives little encouragement from his community. He recently emailed me and asked me to pray that God will provide land for him to build a church to minister to 5,000 people. That's dreaming big and praying boldly in faith.
I heard from another Indian missionary tonight who lives on a small island off the coast of Southern India. They recently completed their training center to raise up and disciple Christians. It's taken them 10 yrs to complete it and this building has been a dream for about 30 years. This man has also faced persecution, has watched previous meeting places get burned to the group, and has now built a Christian training center on an island that is considered the 2nd holiest site in for many Hindus. The journey has not been easy, but he has not given up and has been willing to follow God's promptings. You could see his passion and emotion as he spoke about what God is doing in India.
Their passion is almost contagious. It's moved me and made me realize that I want that same kind of passion when it comes to seeking God and living out my faith. It's stirring my heart and making me restless because it makes me so excited.
How often do we allow ourselves to dream BIG dreams and/or pray bold prayers in faith? What do you see when you allow yourself to dream big? Does it scare you? Does it make you pumped? Are you already doubting it could happen and talking yourself out of it?
God's ways are higher than ours and He may call us to things that we never imagined, but it is so worth it. It will require that we lean on Someone else for strength, guidance, provision, vision, and so much more.
Come awake Church, come awake.
God break our hearts for what breaks Yours and plant big dreams in our hearts.